Episode Guide (Eps 61-75)
Episodes (1-15) (16-30) (31-45) (46-60) (76-90) (91-105) (106-120) (121-135) (136-150) (151-165)
On the way to Viridian City, Misty notices that Horsea isn't feeling well. She decides to take Horsea back to the Cerulean City gym to get a chance to swim around in their bigger pool. Her sisters get an idea to generate publicity for the gym by having an underwater ballet. To everyone's surprise, they picked Misty to be the star of the show. They begin the show. Misty swims around a little with the Pokémon as they tell the story. She swims into a hidden area for a desperately needed breath of air, and goes back to the audience. Then, it's time for everyone in mermaid land to go to sleep. The large shell closes on Misty, and gives her the chance to take out a breathing device while no one is looking. Team Rocket tie up the two sisters who were to play the villains, and replace them on stage. Jessie dressed as a male dancer, and James in a ballerina costume. They try to steal all the Pokémon, and are defeated by Ash and Pikachu as usual. The crowd believes that the entire attack was staged and applaud the show. The show was successful in generating publicity for the gym, and everyone is lining up to buy tickets to their next shows. Misty leaves Horsea and Starmie with her sisters, and the group continue onward to Viridian City. |
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Jigglypuff is taking a walk through the woods, singing its favorite song. A Caterpie and Pidgey fall out of the trees, and Jigglypuff draws on their faces only to be knocked out with a tea pot. When Jigglypuff gets back up, it discovers a space ship crashed in the woods. Some Clefairy come out, the leader with a flower on its head. Meanwhile, the gang are enjoying some ice cream, just as they spot a Clefairy. They chase after it while their stuff is stolen. They report this to Officer Jenny, and they find out lots of people have had their stuff stolen. They meet a guy named Oswald, who thinks aliens have stolen their stuff. Just then, two mysterious beings land and take Pikachu. It's Jessie and James, being lifted with a crane by Meowth. Ash stops them, only to have Pikachu taken by a Clefairy. They follow it into a manhole, which leads to an underground cave. They find a new space ship the Clefairy are building, which is about to launch. They board the ship to find Pikachu behind glass. They plan to use Pikachu to power their space ship. The Clefairy jump in to guard. Then, Jigglypuff walks in on the whole scene; walks up to one of the Clefairy, and Jigglypuff whacks the Clefairy. The battle begins. Jigglypuff slaps around all the Clefairy knocking them all out. Jigglypuff then finds the master control room, and so does Oswald. Jigglypuff slaps around the master Clefairy, and the Clefairy puts up a good fight, slapping back. Oswald fiddles with the control, and breaks it off. Jigglypuff grabs it, and starts singing. As everyone is asleep, the rocket blasts off. Pikachu is hit in the nose with a mallet, which startles him, and then Pikachu's electric shock begins to power the space ship. In mid-air Team Rocket try to abandon the ship, but they are on the wrong side and break off to crash into the land. Ash and the group manage to use Bulbasaur to wrap its vines around the point of a skyscraper, and they swing to safety. The ship soon crashes in the woods, and Oswald along with the Clefairy scare the people camping out there. |
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The gang arrive in Viridian City. They find the gym where Ash is about to battle, just as Gary shows up bragging about having ten Badges. He enters the gym just for practice. Gary's battle with Giovanni is quite easy, winning against Giovanni's Kingler and Rhydon with his Nidoking and Arcanine. Then, Giovanni decides to bring out a new Pokémon. Gary is defenseless against it, as it brings chaos to the whole gym. Meanwhile, Ash in carelessness flings Togepi into the air, as it lands with Team Rocket. While Jessie and James struggle to capture it, they eventually present it to Giovanni only to find Giovanni only wants rare and powerful Pokémon. Ash finds the gym in a wreck, as he wakes up Gary. Gary is terrified, as he describes this new Pokémon as truly evil. Ash goes in to compete to be totally surprised to find the gym masters are Jessie and James, as Giovanni had to leave for an emergency. The battle is intense, as the trainer is electrically shocked as their Pokémon get hurt. The shocks bring Ash to his knees just as he sends out Pidgeotto, who beats Jessie's Pokémon, shocking her. Meowth has a control panel to blow up the opponents side of the playing field, but Gary bursts in to stop him. The match finishes and Ash wins. Jessie is completely fried. Then, Togepi decides to play with the explosion controller, and accidentally sends Jessie and James flying. Gary's cheerleaders do a cheer for Ash. Then, the group continue along. Realizing that Ash doesn't know where the Pokémon League is, they decide to head back to Pallet Town to ask Professor Oak and visit home. |
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The group is getting closer and closer to Pallet. Just as Ash is running towards home, he crashes into a wall. The wall is totally invisible, created by a Mr. Mime. Just then, a girl from the circus shows up to try to catch Mr. Mime. Ash protests that he was going to catch it, but Brock holds him back. The Mr. Mime gets away. They arrive back at the circus, where their Mr. Mime is incredibly lazy sitting around and eating snacks. They dress Ash up as a Mr. Mime to be in the show, hoping to make Mr. Mime jealous of Ash and try to do better. Team Rocket swoop in, and steal Ash, thinking it's Mr. Mime. Meanwhile, Ash's mom brings Brock and Misty to her house. Just as they are leaving, Mr. Mime comes knocking on the window. Ash's mom thinks it's Ash, and brings him in for a snack. Ash then arrives in the Meowth balloon he stole from Team Rocket, and comes home. His mom then realizes that it was a real Mr. Mime, and then Ash asks Mr. Mime to help him. Ash's mom asks Mr. Mime to help Ash and it agrees. Later, Team Rocket burst out with a tank trying to steal the Pokémon from the circus. Mr. Mime builds a wall to stop them. They turn around, and the circus' Mr. Mime builds a wall to stop them. Eventually surrounding them, they try to escape but end up blasting themselves off again... |
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Ash is there... and ready to take on anyone who challenges him. He's at the Pokémon League! He throws the Pokéball to begin the first battle... wait... no.. it can't be.. Ahhh! The Poke-ball is trying to capture Ash! He can feel himself being pulled in! No, he was only dreaming, and Mr. Mime had the vacuum cleaner to his head. So, he and the group head out to Professor Oak's lab. They find that Gary is also visiting. After comparing the two boys' Pokédexes, he concludes that Ash has seen more Pokémon, but Gary has caught more Pokémon! Oak informs Ash that the Pokémon League is only once a year, and happening in two months. They go into the Poké-ball room, to see all the Pokémon of the people of Pallet town, and notice all 20 of Ash's Safari balls. These are the Tauros he caught in the Safari Zone. Anyway, they go out to see all the places where the Professor raises and studies Pokémon. Ash and Gary decide to have a battle, but are interuppted by Team Rocket. Oak is impressed by Meowth's talking, but as soon as they try to steal Pokémon, Ash's Tauros run by, trampling and blasting Team Rocket into the air. Oak tells Ash that he is responsible for saving Oak's lab, as they were his Tauros, but he is also responsible for reparing the fence, which the Tauros trampled over. |
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Ash's mom and friends are going to go to Seafoam Islands. Misty and Brock are going to go surfing. Ash goes to Oak's lab to discover that Oak is trying to find out why Slowpoke evolves into Slowbro. Professor Oak suggests that Ash go to the Seafoam Islands to meet Professor Westwood who made the Pokédex who would know the answer. Ash and Pikachu head to the Seafoam Islands and startle Brock and Misty into falling off their surfboards. They go to Westwood's lab to discover he is the fifth of many Westwoods, and he insists to be called that. He happens to be researching the Slowpoke and Shellder, too. Somehow, a Shellder bites Slowpoke's tail and it becomes a Slowbro. Meanwhile, the Team Rocket boss is taking a vacation and making Jessie and James dig for clams. They find a Shellder and James decides to try to capture it. James copies Ash to call out Weezing. James defeats the Shellder, but Jessie steps up to capture it. They go to the boss, but he is annoyed with them as usual. He tells them to steal all the Pokémon from the lab. They find that all he Professor Westwood has is a Slowpoke. They send out the Shellder to make it evolve into Slowbro. They have a hard time with it, and it clamps on Psyduck's head, giving it a major headache. Psyduck uses disable to stop everyone, but then the Shellder clamps onto Slowpoke's tail evolving it. Slowbro uses mega-punch and so Team Rocket blasts off again. Westwood figures out why Slowpoke evolves, which is because both Pokémon benefit. Shellder balances Slowpoke so it can use mega-punch, and Shellder gains transportation on Slowpoke's tail. |
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Ash is running down the road and is hit in the face with muck splashed up by a car. Ash gets caught in the traffic with cars scattered everywhere. Officer Jenny clears the disturbance, and tells Ash of a great big wave that comes every twenty years called Humunga Dunga. They decide to go surfing, although Misty warns Ash to continue on his training. She joins in on the fun. Ash gets on the wave, but falls. Pikachu notices another Pikachu on the cliff staring into the sea. It is looking for big waves for its owner to surf. Then a big wave comes, but Ash can't move his foot to get to safety. The Pikachu named Pooka alerts its owner named Victor of Ash. Victor and Pooka swoop in to save him. When Ash recovers, Victor tells of getting Pooka from the sea, and how he wanted to be like Jan who was the only man to ever ride Humunga Dunga all the way to a tall peak where he planted his flag. Meanwhile, Team Rocket successfully capture the two Pikachu and brought them into their Mecha Gyarados. They did not get far, as they were stopped and blown away by some real Gyarados. Both Pikachu were flung into the air. Ash saves his with Bulbasaur. Pooka falls in the water, so Victor throws it a surfboard, and dives. They both get to the surfboard and Pooka feels the large wave, Humunga Dunga coming. Ash and the Group make it back to the shore to watch Victor and Pooka ride the wave all the way to the top of the peak matching what Jan did so many years ago. |
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Back at home, Ash is anxious to leave for a garden so that he does not have to worry about all the chores that his mom makes him do in the garden. When they get there, they are scared because they think that the garden hose a man is holding toward them is a flamethrower. Bulbasaur starts sniffing around in the garden, but then sniffs a particular plant which knocks him out. Ash leans forward to take a sniff but a girl named Florinda warns him not to. She tells them about the plant, and that it paralyzes anyone who smells it. Bulbasaur is cured by a few drops from Gloom, and Florinda tells the group about how hard she tried to train Gloom. She shows them the Leaf stone she used to try to evolve Gloom, but it failed. Professor Oak suddenly appears on the scene to state that the stone was a fake. She identifies the people who sold the stone to her and the rest quickly realize it is Team Rocket. Team Rocket were snooping around the garden trying to steal some plants, but get caught. Ash and the group try to stop them but Meowth has mixed up a paralyzing ball that he throws at them, and they fall to the ground. They ask Florinda to use Gloom to stop them, but she is sure Gloom cannot. They eventually convince her, and so she gives it a try. Gloom turns out to be a lot more powerful than the others thought. Florinda did not think Solar Beam was a big deal. The garden is saved. Brock hears Florinda asking if he can stay and help with the garden. Of course he agrees, but only to find out he was imagining it. She then asks the other guy in the garden the same thing. He agrees, leaving poor Brock feeling he could never love again. All three leave the garden and they continue onward. |
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The group continue on their way to find a girl who wants a Pokémon battle. She chooses her Raichu to battle against Pikachu. The battle does not even begin until Team Rocket slams their net down to capture Pikachu. They accidentally get the girls' Raichu, which shocks them. Then a movie director named Spielbug enters to stop the action and tell about how famous a director he is. He tells about a Pokémon movie he is making, but cannot find anyone to co-star with Wigglytuff because she is too tough. Everyone gets slapped who offends her in the slightest way. All the Pokémon audition and then sing, but on Jigglypuff's turn everyone falls asleep. After that, Wigglytuff decides with a few slaps that she won't work with any of Team Rocket's Pokémon. All the other Pokémon just quit, leaving Psyduck on stage who gets the part. Arbok and Weezing don't take the rejection easily, and it takes a talk from Jessie and James to give them more confidence to be famous again. They come back to attack the movie, and steal all the Pokémon. Psyduck is the only one left. Wigglytuff's crying and Misty's yelling gives Psyduck a bad headache, and he saves the Pokémon from Team Rocket. Then, Wigglytuff and Psyduck are back together. Spielbug then gets an even better idea for a movie about Pokémon trainers. |
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Ash and friends and his mom get invited to Hollywood for the premiere of the movie that was made in the previous episode. Although he worries they won't let him go because he should be training, they were going to let him come anyway. Team Rocket decide that they are going to crash the party. Meowth remembers his life many years ago. He was starved for food, and overall unliked by everyone. The night he was tied up in a tree, he saw a movie where a Meowth got an ice cream and some fried chicken. He decided he would go to Hollywood to get those things he needed so badly. Team Rocket hid on the bus to Hollywood that Ash and friends were taking. It leads to an abandoned street where they find the old movie theater. The director is there to greet Ash and the group. Jessie and James agree to wait outside the theater while Meowth goes to meet up with some of his old friends. On his way, he remembers some more things he went through a long time ago in this street. He'd break into the snack stand to steal a piece of chicken just to survive. But the guy caught him, and he had a frying pan thrown at him. Knocking him down without the chicken, he struggled into the alley to find many more Meowth who were lead by a Persian. They threw him a little food. They were his friends. Later, he met a female Meowth named Meowsy and immediately fell in love. But, she had no interest in a dirty old street Meowth and her owner came by to take her in her diamond covered Pokéball. Meowth decided he should learn to talk and act human. So, he started by standing up straight. He was too slow, and the next time he was stealing some chicken the guy caught him and roughed him up. He started looking at a small group of people, and tried to say what they said. He got out a book and tried to learn to read and speak. Eventually, he could do it. Most impressed with himself, he proceeded back to Meowsy but was rejected again. This time because she thought he was a freak. Standing upright, and talking only made her like him less. He then vowed to become richer and better than she ever was, and joined Team Rocket. Back in the alley, Meowth meets his old friends,and the Persian tells him that he'd be useful back in the gang, as being able to talk would help them out. He decides to not stay, until he discovers Meowsy. She tells her story, that her trainer abandoned her on the road and she was forced to join the gang. Meowth then jumps out to defend her from the gang so he could take her with him in Team Rocket. Then, after wondering what took him so long, Jessie and James enter the scene and the Meowth gang scatters. Persian and Meowth decide to have a battle for who Meowsy gets to stay with. Meowth wins, but Meowsy decides to stay with Persian because she still thinks Meowth is a freak. Back in the theater, the movie just finishes. Misty complains that none of them are in it. Spielbug argues that through artistic license, he decided to cut out all parts with them. All those scenes ended up on the cutting room floor. Jessie and James burst in, and try to steal the show as usual. They fail as usual, too. Meowth, on the roof, is still upset about how Meowsy doesn't like him as he stares at the moon. He wonders if Meowsy is staring, too. |
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Ash and Brock are watching Master Bruno of the Elite Four battling on television. Misty turns it off, telling Ash to really start training. Ash's mom knows of where to find Bruno. They head up to a mountain where they stop for muskrat meatballs where an elderly lady has been getting them stolen. They find Team Rocket, and get the meatballs back. The group then head further up the mountain to discover a large trail left by a giant Onix. They escape thanks to Master Bruno. They start to follow him up the mountain, and ask him to help train Ash. He tricks them into helping him prepare dinner. They ask him the secret of Pokémon training, then he tells them that it's simply to catch the most powerful Pokémon. Brock's image of Master Bruno is shattered. They hear a noise, it is Team Rocket trying to catch a giant Onix. The Onix drives Team Rocket into a cave. The group see it and try to save Team Rocket, but Team Rocket does not get a break and are flung into the air by the Onix. Ash falls into the area where Onix is. Pikachu dives to protect him, but electric attacks are no good against the Onix. Master Bruno jumps in to save them. He eventually discovers that the Onix was so violent because it had a Sandslash stuck in between one of the rocks of it's body. Master Bruno is off, and the group continue away from the mountain. |
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Ash is training against Brock. Pikachu is battling Vulpix until Jigglypuff gets in the line of fire. Pikachu holds back its attack and Vulpix deflects it's fire attack to uncover some ancient artifacts. A girl named Eve swoops in to take the artifact they found. She explains about the ancient city of Pokémonpolis and tells of a warning written on an old tablet but she cannot understand it. In the night, Team Rocket sneak in to steal any valuable artifacts they can get out of the unsearched underground. Arbok, who was sent in to find them, comes out with a small black bar-like object which traps him inside along with the rest of Team Rocket. The group come out the following morning to discover the object on the ground. It captures the leader and some workers but the rest make it safely back to their camp to see the black thing turn into a giant Gengar. They then notice everything floating around inside. Ash, Misty and Brock go to stop the Gengar from destroying Pallet Town, but get its attention along with some of their Pokémon forcing them to retreat back to camp. They discover Eve under the spell making everything float. The glass around the artifact breaks, and the key to it connects. Then it turns into a giant Alakazam. The two giant Pokémon battle it out, until Jigglypuff sings a son, that doesn't work on them. Jigglypuff is flung off into the air, but it's song makes another artifact turn into a giant Jigglypuff. it starts to sing. Then, that puts the giant Pokémon to sleep and it whips out a paint brush to paint designs on their faces. |
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Ash goes to Professor Oak to ask for advice about what to do about the Pokémon League as he has not done much training being sidetracked the past while. He tells Ash it is too late but to try his best anyway. They hit the road to Indigo Plateau to find a guy named Otoshi who challenges Ash. If Otoshi wins, he may take all of Ash's badges. Ash defeats him, to discover he didn't have any badges. They were stolen, by Team Rocket. Meanwhile, James and Meowth discover the badges they just stole to be gone. Jessie had taken them, to go onto the Pokémon League alone. Otoshi's Marowak gets frustrated, and walks away. Otoshi despairs, until they spot Team Rocket's balloon. James and Meowth take off, but are stopped by Ash and searched. They find nothing, and James and Meowth are off to get Jessie. They find her, forgive her, and get back together. Otoshi battles them for the badges back, but almost loses until Marowak shows up to stop them. Marowak came back after remembering some of the better times with Otoshi. They get the badges back, and Otoshi and Ash go their separate ways towards the Pokémon League. |
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Ash has made it to the Pokémon League. A man is carrying the torch up towards the League, where it will burn throughout the entire event. Ash steps in and asks if he can carry the torch. Although Officer Jenny would not let him, the president of the Pokémon League decides to let him try. Of course, he does not get far until Team Rocket try to steal the torch, and they manage to get away with it. Further away, they struggle to keep it lit. They do not succeed and just end up getting burned. Fortunately, the president had a spare flame and gave Ash another try. Ash continues with the torch until someone else takes it, as it continues towards the center of the stadium where it will burn. The following day, as it is just about to reach the top, Team Rocket are there to intercept it and manage to get the flame into another robotic device which they have. They get inside, and Ash tries to stop them from getting away with it. Ash steps out in front, and so Team Rocket decide they are going to fry Ash with the flame. They hold the flame towards Ash, but much to their surprise it does not burn him. A Moltres emerges from the flame, burns out Team Rocket and they blast off again. The Moltres then landed in the large torch, and the flame is lit for the Pokémon League tournament to begin. |
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Ash goes in to sign up for the Pokémon League. In the Pokémon League competition, each participant must battle in all four arenas. After sign up is complete, he ends up battling in the water arena. Ash meets Gary before the battle, who is very confident as usual. Gary enters his battle and wins it. Ash meets his challenger in the water arena. His name is Mandy, and he is quite confident he will win as well. Before the battle, Ash gets Krabby from Oak through an exchange system. Then, he heads towards the arena for battle. Ash enters the arena. Just as the battle is about to begin, Team Rocket is in the announcer's stand cheering him on. They are soon carted away by a group of five Officer Jennies. Ash fights the battle hard. Using his Krabby, he manages to win the first battle which then evolves into a Kingler. Continually fighting the battles with Mandy's Pokémon, Ash wins them all much to the surprise of Mandy who was sure he would win. With the first Pokémon battle won, Ash faces the next arena. |
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