Episode Guide (Eps 46-60)
Episodes (1-15) (16-30) (31-45) (61-75) (76-90) (91-105) (106-120) (121-135) (136-150) (151-165)
The group continue on their way and notice people digging in Grandpa Canyon. Gary shows up for this, too. Meanwhile, Team Rocket plants bombs in the canyon. Ash notices this just as Meowth lights the fuse. Ash and Squirtle chase it trying to put out the fuse. It gets to the end and Pikachu shoots an electric beam at it in panic. The blast goes off and they find themselves underground. They meet some ancient Pokémon who they thought to be extinct including an Aerodactyl who swoops up into the air with Ash. Charmeleon evolves into Charizard and chases after the Aerodactyl. Jigglypuff pops out and starts singing. Aerodactyl falls asleep and drops Ash. Ash is caught by Charizard who lands and falls asleep. Officer Jenny tells everyone that it was just a dream caused by Jigglypuff's song and sends the people on their way. Ash gets an egg from the site, which Brock steals from him to take care of. |
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Pikachu is going through trees looking for apples. Pikachu then finds one which he swallows whole. Pikachu is not feeling well and the nearest Pokémon Center is far away. They take Pikachu to a hospital instead and the doctor there gets the apple out. He is then called by Nurse Joy who says there has been an accident and needs him to take care of some Pokémon because there was an accident. Some Chansey arrive and they help the Pokémon arriving to recover. Team Rocket is there, too. Meowth has lost his charm and their other Pokémon are hurt. Their Pokémon are helped by Chansey. The doctor is put to sleep by some anesthetic and while he sleeps, Team Rocket attack. They catch Ash and friends in stretchers. A Chansey stands in front of them to protect them, and Team Rocket's Pokémon will not hurt Chansey because it helped them earlier. Team Rocket get away with just a Voltorb which explodes in their faces and Meowth gets his charm back. |
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The group walk by a missing sign that has a picture of James as a young boy. A limousine drives by and takes them to the estate where James used to live. They learn that his parents had supposedly died and James was entitled to an inheritance. Jessie and James arrive to collect this money, but soon discover that it was a trick to get James back and force him to marry Jessiebell. She is a girl who looks just like Jessie and tries to make James a gentleman. She attacks and chases him with a Vileplume and he eventually escapes. He catches up with Jessie and Meowth realizing that life is better free even though he isn't well off. |
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The group stop in the forest where there is a Farfetch'd lurking around. Brock and Ash go to get some water and Misty notices a Farfetch'd. She chases it into the forest where the trainer of the Farfetch'd secretly switches bags. He is a thief who uses Farfetch'd to distract his victims. Psyduck escapes from him and gets back to Misty. Psyduck then guides them to the guy who stole her Pokémon. They have a battle with the Farfetch'd who surprises its trainer by showing it can battle by defeating Ash's Bulbasaur. Misty battles next with Psyduck. Farfetch'd strikes Psyduck on the head repeatedly until it's headache is bad enough and it uses a disable attack. The boy realizes his wrong and hands the stolen Pokémon over to Officer Jenny. He promises to lead a better life training his Farfetch'd and catching Pokémon rather then stealing them. |
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The group stop at a Pokémon Center for a rest and get a message from Professor Oak who wants to talk to them. When they talk, he discusses Muk and offers Ash a Pokédex upgrade. Ash takes the upgrade and they are on their way. Ash and the group wonder about what could be inside the egg Brock has been taking care of since Ash found it in Grandpa Canyon; just as Team Rocket trick them and get the egg. They find them and fight for it. During the battle, the egg goes flying and Pikachu catches it. Misty takes it just in time to see it hatch. It is Togepi, and they all fight over who should keep it. They have a tournament and Ash wins it, but Togepi wants to go with Misty because a Togepi thinks the first thing it sees is its parent. Togepi first saw Misty and so, Misty gets Togepi. |
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Continuing on their way, Ash battles a man with a Rhyhorn. The battle is tough, but Bulbasaur wins. Bulbasaur's bulb then starts flashing. They rush it to a Pokémon Center and discover it is going to evolve. Bulbasaur leaves his bed and is taken by other Bulbasaur to the mysterious garden where the Bulbasaur evolve into Ivysaur. The group manage to get into the garden behind vines and are watching the ceremony. Bulbasaur doesn't want to evolve. The Venusaur leading the ceremony gets mad at Bulbasaur and attacks it. Ash jumps out in front of Bulbasaur to save it and tries to reason with the Venusaur. Team Rocket float in and use a vacuum device to suck up all the Ivysaur and the Venusaur. Bulbasaur saves them and Venusaur agrees to let Bulbasaur evolve when it wants to. |
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It is Princess Day, the day when there are incredible discounts in the malls, and all sorts of events and activities. But, only for girls. Just after having gone shopping and buying a present to get on the boss' good side, Jessie encounters a Lickitung. The Lickitung eats everything Jessie had bought, and so she captures it. When Jessie and Misty hear about a competition where girls can enter to win a set of Pokémon dolls they both get very excited. They have to participate in a Pokémon tournament and Misty and Jessie both win one battle after another, until the final match which Jessie versus Misty. Pikachu beats all of Jessie's Pokémon, except for Lickitung. Lickitung beats Pikachu, then all of Misty's other Pokémon. Just as Misty is about to call Staryu, Psyduck comes out. Lickitung's attacks don't effect Psyduck, but do give it a big headache. Through some psychic attacks, Lickitung loses. Misty becomes the winner of the dolls. Jessie is terribly disappointed, but then James and Meowth bought larger versions of the clothes the dolls wore, and so Jessie was happy again pretending to be the dolls on the stand with James and Meowth. |
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Continuing on their way, they find out about a school where a Pokémon trainer was to visit them but cannot come. Ash agrees to come in place of this person and shows them his Pikachu. The kids examine Pikachu and much to their joy, Pikachu doesn't enjoy the pulling and grabbing. Ash pulls Pikachu away just in time to save the kids from a thundershock. Team Rocket invade the school pretending to be magicians. They play a trick where they take Pikachu, and put it into their box and it disappears and Meowth appears. A little boy named Timmy is excited to see Meowth, as he was saved by a wild Meowth in the past. Team Rocket get away, but when they make it away from the school and open their box expecting to see Pikachu. They find Timmy in the box instead. When Meowth realizes that Timmy thinks this Meowth is the one who saved him before, Meowth does his best to play the role. Back at the school, everyone is admiring Meowth, just as Meowth accidentally says something. When Misty realizes that, Meowth runs off. So, Ash and the kids follow Meowth to a dead end where Team Rocket is waiting. They start a Pokémon battle which causes a rock slide. The wild Meowth comes by again and saves Timmy and Ash from being crushed by a rock, and Team Rocket rolls away on another rock. |
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While traveling through the forest, the group see who they think is a thief. Ash sends Pikachu after it, but Pikachu is scared because he holds a gun. When a Growlithe comes by to knock the gun out of it's hand, Pikachu goes. They are all stopped because he isn't a thief, but a police officer training the K-9 police squad. Ash wants to have them train Pikachu, but doesn't realize he must go, too. Jenny gets Ash and Pikachu early in the morning and they start. Ash and Pikachu don't make it as the course is tough. Brock suggests for him to not try because he feels Pikachu is already the perfect Pokémon. Team Rocket intrude as usual, this time with gases to confuse the smell of things and higher everyone's voices. Jessie and James dress as Officer Jenny and they use megaphones that give them different voices. They use a Jenny voice to command the Growlithe around, but Pikachu fights them. Jessie dresses as Ash then, and switches to an Ash voice. Pikachu is not confused, making Ash realize how perfect Pikachu really is. The Growlithe continue to attack until they realize the real Officer Jenny. They beat off Team Rocket and the group continue on their way. |
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As Ash and the group continue on their way, they notice a boy trying to take a picture of Pikachu. The boy, whose name is Snap, invites them to his place for pancakes and he tries to get a picture of Pikachu. They don't know that Team Rocket had hired him to capture Pikachu. They misunderstood his ad stating he could "capture" any Pokémon. Team Rocket dressed up as an old couple, asked him to "capture" Pikachu and that is what he is doing. Team Rocket show up again and try to get Pikachu, but Snap saves them and Team Rocket is defeated as usual. He agrees to follow the group on their journeys so he can get some shots of rare Pokémon. |
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Ash and friends arrive at a school that promises that if you can pass their tests, you can enter the Pokémon League without getting all the badges. Ash enters the school and so do Jessie and James. The tests begin and Jessie is kicked out for complaining the tests are way too hard. Ash and James make it to the third part of the test where you fight with your examiner's Pokémon. Ash fights with Weezing and wins. James is delighted to see Pikachu by his side, but when he looses to a Graveler he sends out two Pokémon at once which is against the rules and is kicked out. For revenge, they attack the school with the Pokémon they got, but the Pokémon turned on them because they were owned by the instructor. Ash decides then that it would be easier to get all of the badges rather than go through these tests and he leaves the school. |
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While out with their photographer friend Snap, they are taking a few pictures of their Pokémon. They see an ad for a breeding center where they treat the Pokémon well. Misty brings her Psyduck there and hopes they will improve it. They find a restaurant where you eat free if you bring in a Psyduck. Misty and the group rush back to the breeding center to discover it is fake. It is a center run by Team Rocket, but not Jessie and James. The boss is angry because they always mess up and trusts this new plan to other members Butch and Cassidy. Team Rocket (Jessie and James) break into the center at the same time not knowing about it and try to steal Pokémon. They are all thrown in jail except for Misty who makes it out. Misty gets Pikachu to get Snap's camera which proves their innocence and takes it to Jenny. Butch and Cassidy are arrested as well as Jessie and James, although Jessie and James dig their way out. |
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Ash and the group are sailing towards Cinnibar Island, and they happen to meet Gary on the boat. Gary tells them there is no gym on Cinnibar Island anymore, and that they were wasting their time going. When they arrive, they meet a strange looking guy who gives information in riddles. He shows them the gym. It is a broken down piece of debris, and hasn't been used in a long time. The gym leader Blaine was sick of battling tourists who came on vacation, rather than for a Pokémon match. The group try to find a place to stay the night. Unfortunately, all the places are packed with tourists. Ash is beginning to get very hungry, just as he smells something good cooking. They find Gary staying in one of the hotels and they even have an Electabuzz for entertainment playing some music. Gary decides to offer Ash some leftovers from their banquet if he will spin around three times and say "Pikachu". Ash refuses, but Pikachu does it hoping to help out Ash. Ash stops Pikachu, just as the star of their show arrives. It is Jigglypuff going to sing them a song. The group run away to safety, just as Jigglypuff begins to sing accompanied by the Electabuzz's music. The whole crowd falls asleep and get some lovely Jigglypuff squiggles on their faces. Ash and the group find the riddle man's hotel, and he offers a free stay as a reward for solving a riddle. Meanwhile, Team Rocket attempt to steal the Pokémon inside the lab on the island. Ash stops them as usual, with help from his Pokémon. They get to a hot spring, when Togepi jumps on a lever that opens a secret passage. They follow it down to see a hidden Pokémon gym. The riddle man is there to greet them, as he reveals his true identity. He is Blaine, and is ready to battle Ash. The battle is tough with Squirtle first losing, and Charizard refusing to battle. Pikachu makes a comeback, by defeating Rhydon through a direct shock to its horn. Blaine then calls Magmar, who Pikachu is unable to beat. Magmar uses a Fire Blast attack, which is about to hit Pikachu. |
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Pikachu is swallowed up by Magmar's fire blast attack. Luckily, Pikachu had dodged it and was hanging on to the edge. Pikachu crawled back up and was safe from the lava below. Ash forfeits the match. Blaine congratulates Ash for making a wise choice, and directs them to the hot springs. Meanwhile, Team Rocket prepares freeze guns to freeze Magmar. They enter the arena to find Magmar, and fire at it. Magmar is frozen solid. As Jessie and James celebrate, Magmar melts through the ice. In a panic, they freeze over the entire gym. This causes the Volcano walls to crack, and lava begins to pour into the arena. Ash calls Charizard to throw rocks to block the flow of lava, but Charizard refuses to listen. Magmar begins to throw rocks, but it is no good. When Charizard sees the problem, it begins to throw rocks. Brock and Misty's Pokémon help, too. The flow is stopped, and Blaine offers another chance for Ash to win the Volcano badge. They battle atop the Volcano, Charizard versus Magmar. It is a tough battle, but Charizard prevails. Unfortunately, Charizard stops listening to Ash after the battle. Blaine gives a Volcano badge to Ash and they continue on their way. |
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Ash and friends are running to catch the last ferry off of Cinnibar Island, and just as they are approaching the ferry, they collide with a Wartortle, it was running to find help for it's leader, Blastoise. Wartortle and Ash's squirtle, with the squirtle squad sunglasses, swim to the Squirtle Island. They find everyone on the island asleep, including Blastoise. Ash and Squirtle check out Blastoise, and hear a strange noise which puts them to sleep. Pikachu manages to wake them all up, and then they try to wake up Blastoise. It eventually wakes up on it's own, when the strange noise stops. Squirtle then notices something stuck in one of Blastoise's Hydro cannons. It is squishy and pink (can you guess what it is?!?) And then it's ear sticks out. Then the noise starts again and everyone falls asleep. Team Rocket intrude on the island, hoping to catch Blastoise, but Meowth, the one who went to get Blastoise, fell asleep, they dragged him back, slapped him a few times, and threw him back. They then used their Gyarados grabber (I forgot to mention they came on their Mecha-Gyarados). They successfully got away, until they hear the noise coming out of Blastoise's shell. They begin to sink into the water but all the Squirtles and Wartortles save them. Back on the island Team Rocket chase the Squirtles and Wortortles around, and so Ash's Squirtle and Pikachu try to wake up Blastoise. They succeed, and guess what pops out? It's Jigglypuff! And Jigglypuff is blown away into the Mecha Gyarados. Blastoise successfully drives off Team Rocket, except Jigglypuff is still inside, luckily Jigglypuff is blasted out and lands on the island. Jigglypuff sings, everyone sleeps, everyone gets scribbled on. Misty is annoyed because the marker scribbling makes her look like a cartoon character, Ash chimes in, "Like that could ever happen!" |
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